Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oops - A Diatribe.

"Save the Ta-Tas" -- you've seen this bumper sticker, I'm sure. 

"Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" - walking to fund raise while wearing bedazzled, be-feathered, be-sparkled bras as your outerwear and "symbol" of your anti-breast cancer support and mindset.

'You can be registered to win a tailgate package (of the team of your choice!) by registering your team to walk!'
Battle of the Bling MSABC  (That is Making Strides Against Breast Cancer) kickoff party! - Put on your pink bra!

Cupcakes for the Cure!  Tangerine Ta-Tas! Java Jugs! Honeynut Hooters! Coconut Milkshakes! Mango Melons!

Let's have FUN "fighting" breast cancer!

Please. (Detect extreme sarcasm there.)

Is that all I am?  A pair of boobies?  Going by that standard I no longer exist because I don't have them anymore - at all!

I am not a body part.  They were a part of my body.

Cancer - of any type, any stage, at any and at ALL times - is NOT fun.

Oh- maybe my attitude is off!

We all should have our bodies mutilated together, because regardless of what procedure you have done, you feel mutilated.  Then we will all take deadly toxins into our bodies together - OOOH!!!  Come on people, we'll have a blast together!  We can do this!  Hey - don't forget to bring your insurance card, if you have one!  Otherwise bring money, lots of money. Let's have a commode hugging party! Decorate your commode with sequins, feathers, balloons and such!  Come on down folks and we'll vomit ourselves silly!  Won't that be FUN?!! Hey, everybody - bring your clippers (appropriately bedazzled, pink, feathered and if you could make them play a jolly tune that would be SO  great!!) and we'll all shave our heads together because that is how every woman wants to look!!  And don't forget to shave eyebrows, eyelashes, nostrils, etc.  If it is hair - it must GO!!  Let's increase our risk of getting more cancer by having radiation too!

Doesn't this sound like fun to you?  No?  Really?

Then there must be something wrong with you because this is just a lighthearted way to cure cancer!!  It's just a fun way to support our friends, wives, sisters, neighbors or maybe somebody's next door neighbor's cousin's friend's sister.  What is wrong with you?  Have a booby shaped decorated cupcake that I bought to support breast cancer patients that a small portion of the cost will eventually go to a breast cancer site - or maybe it will.

Every year - EVERY year - 40,000 women in the United States alone die from breast cancer.

Hmm.  That didn't make me laugh.  That didn't amuse me.  That did not make me have any fun at all.

Perhaps if I gave some money to an institution that will give money to Planned Parenthood that will help find a cure for Breast Cancer.  Wait a minute.  I don't think that paying for abortions will help fight cancer. 
Killing the unborn neither prevents nor cures cancer.  It simply and horribly kills the unborn.

Running around having FUN wearing bright pink fancied bras as outer wear doesn't do much for it either.  At least that doesn't kill any one.  If, as a breast cancer warrior-goddess, you find it amusing or whatever and you don't mind the whole ta-tas thing - well go for it.  YOU certainly have earned that right and privilege.
I simply find the sexualization of breast cancer and thereby we survivors patently offensive.

I'm tired of the battle.  I can't afford to be tired of the battle. 

Look, MY battle is Stage 3A Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Estrogen Receptor Positive, Progesterone Receptor Positive, HER2/neu Receptor Positive, lymph node involved (9 out of 12 removed were involved), bilateral mastectomy, Taxotere - Carboplatin - Herceptin chemo (oh yeah, the Herceptin was a whole year), 35 rounds of radiation battle.  Any cancer that I get for the rest of my life will be considered a breast cancer metastasis.

Breast cancer loves to go to the skin.  Breast cancer loves to go to the bone.  HER2/neu positive breast cancer loves to go to the brain.  Oh good.

Is it possible I will have a recurrence anywhere?  Yes, it is.  Is it possible I may never again have any cancer?  Yes, it is.

I have received many blessings during this battle and I would not wish them away.  Nor would I wish this battle on anyone -- ANYONE!

My money for cancer cure will go to The Mary Kay Foundation.  They fund ONLY against domestic violence and for research into the cure and prevention of cancer that primarily affects women.  Look them up at

Just please - stop trying to "make it fun" or to sexualize this mess to me.  The majority of people in America, those lucky many, don't "get" cancer - psychologically as well as they don't get the disease itself.  Well God Bless them.  Count yourselves as blessed if you have no personal experience there. 

Let those of us who have been down this road be the ones who have advice for the trip.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

They Really Should "Talk American"

So -
I had the requested MUGA on Friday August 3 and my postponed 3 month check with my doctor yesterday, August 6th.

MUGA results being more accurate, my ejection fraction has increased wonderfully to 55%.  This is quite, quite good.  A normal ejection fraction is 50% or higher.  I had originally typed "rejection fraction" which kind of makes me laugh here.  What is that - how many times you can tolerate rejection in life?  One had best hope for a VERY HIGH number there!!

We went over my PET/CT results.  They were not bad.  So saying they had a couple of minor anomalies which are most likely nothing of any real significance.

The wonderful Dr. Rassam does want me to have another PET/CT scan because I have a -- and I quote --"small hypermetabolic focus superficial to the right lateral sixth rib.  This is new and of uncertain significance."

Reading the report is why I titled this post rather tongue in cheek.  I do speak English -American English- pretty well.  I know it is not "talk American' and thus the joke of the title... Do I have to explain the humor right out of a humorous situation?  Actually, I know that I do for some people!  I am amused so too bad for the rest of you....

Additionally on the report is Impression 2. "Peripherally calcified adnexal lesion likely representing a calcified hemorrhagic cyst." and 3."Cardiomegaly."

Oh dear - doesn't that sound just horrible?  However - it is medical speak for mostly negligible things. The item 2 is likely an ovarian cyst which has burst (bled) and calcified and is not likely anything. Item 3 which was in the more detailed section of the report listed as borderline means a borderline (and therefore SLIGHTLY) enlarged heart.

Well, it is not a good thing to have an enlarged heart as it likely indicated for one thing hypertension, aka high blood pressure.  I am quick to assure you my blood pressure is always, always good.  When I was so hugely pregnant (many, many years ago) that I looked and felt like I would pop at any moment like a balloon and fly off into the outer atmosphere - my blood pressure even then, was always good.

So of these 3 things mentioned, which are all pretty much negligible and likely unimportant, the "new and uncertain significance" deal on the right 6th rib is of minor potential concern.  My tumors were on the right, it really has appeared as though all cancer has been obliterated, and so saying - it's just a little weird. It appears to be muscular and therefore NOT skeletal (breast cancer loves to go to bones), and could have something to do with radiation.

Regardless, a PET scan will be done again to make sure all is well.

My dear husband asked me if I am worried about this.  I really must say I am not.  First of all, there is not a single thing I can do about it.  I am taking good care of myself, which includes taking good care of my attitude, and I really do feel so absolutely marvelous. Secondly, I trust my Oncology team and oh, go on down the hardest road -- should some horrible horrible cancer word decide to worm its way back into my life - I know I will be graced once again with blessings to surround me.

Life is so beautiful, and I am looking forward with great anticipation to the birth of my first little granddaughter Annachiara.  (What a great coming attraction!)