Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day 2013

Before I write part 2 of my Halcyon Days post, I wanted to post this one to express appreciation to our fallen and to express patriotism.

Some people look down on that as being "corny" or something.  This is something I just don't really understand. 

I love this country.  God Bless America.  That is more than just a song - which makes me cry, by the way - it is absolutely a prayer for this nation.

I thank God every day that my own son and  my own nephew did not pay the ultimate sacrifice.  Selfish? Perhaps.  And yet I know that every mother, every wife, every family member of a military man who survives feels exactly the same way.

Do we feel a little guilty at that relief?  Yes.  More than the guilt, however, is the gratitude that while we may even now be blue star family members, we are  not gold star family members.

That is a club that no one wants to join.  I absolutely give honor to every gold star family member.

In 2010, we visited Washington D.C. and it was absolutely an honor to visit Arlington National Cemetery.  This is a beautiful cemetery.  I had no desire whatsoever to visit the grave of JFK and most especially because "Teddy" was buried there.  (Sorry any Kennedy fans - that younger brother was one evil piece of work.)

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, however, was our truest goal.  We waited to see the changing of the guard ceremony.  What a powerful and moving ceremony that is. 

We looked out on what seems like an ocean of white military grave markers.  And we thanked our Lord and Savior to be able to do so and to be able to look at them without what must surely be a bitter-sweet knowledge of one of our own being there.

It is an honor to be buried at Arlington.  It is an honor to be buried at any military cemetery as it is a sign of your service to our nation.  Arlington is special.  There is limited space available and for most families in this country it is additionally an inconvenience. It is a sacrifice they may choose to make in order to give an additional respect and honor to their loved one who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Thank you to our fallen who lay at rest, wherever they may lay at rest. Thank you to the "Old Guard" who daily honor the unknowns and that for which the unknowns stand - all military men and women who served and died with honor.  Thank you to all Gold Star family members for your loved ones.  May they rest in peace, and may your hearts find peace in their sacrifice.

God Bless America.

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